Hello! I have a terrific round up of sales for runners and fitness enthusiasts coming next. but before the gifts we ought to make a wish list, right? So I’m sharing a totally free Printable pdf wish list that breaks down what you want into 4 categories: Want, Need, Wear, Read.
The thought goes if you want to purchase your loved ones much more than one gift without going overboard – consider purchasing them something from each of those categories.
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I’m a Monic-alist (like minimalist, but Monica) and my love Language isn’t gifts and I like to keep my wish list simple. So when I heard about the want need wear read gift list for kids – I thought it was so smart!
and it’s a terrific idea for adults too!
What’s a – Want, Need, Wear, read Christmas List?
If you’re not familiar… this easy Christmas list is implied to keep us from overdoing it with lil ones and limit it to 4 presents in the following categories – want / need / wear / Read.
So it’s a smart way to get much more than one present for your favorite person but keep it to stuff they’ll really love and use.
The 4 gifts are:
Something they WANT
Something they NEED
Something to WEAR
Something to READ
It’s such a easy way to get ideas on what you ought to get them too!
So I have a Christmas wish list design template you can print out and have them fill out.
Or you can screen shot it and fill in the answers on Instagram Stories. (I have the Samsung Galaxy note – it has a pen so I can write it in but you can use the app and add text.)
Want need wear read Christmas list printable
* CLICK here for the 4 gift category totally free Printable Christmas wish list design template here. *
And if you want a lil much more inspiration…
Want, Need, Do, Read, Wear, sweet Christmas list printable
I also made a minimalist Christmas wish list with a few much more options.
I still call it a minimal list because the additional options are things you can eat (which don’t stay around long) or things you can DO (I like experiences or spending time with my loved ones as gifts). So they’re not material gifts but much more experiences or activities you can do together.
So this list is:
Want, Need, Do, Read, Wear, Sweet…
Christmas wish list Printable
* CLICK here for the totally free Printable Christmas wish list design template here. *
Race discount Codes – these are on hold as we wait to see when races will be back at full capacity.
The Lexus lace Up Reindeer Run is coming up soon! remember you can save 10% with the discount code below.
Use code: MONICA10
Register here: Reindeer Run Riverside Dec 8
Question: What do you want for Christmas?
Do you make a wish list?
Többet akar? keep choosing these:
Ultimate gift guide for Runners 2020
Easy Christmas Tree Cheese Plate Tutorial
Shop my Running favorites on Amazon here
Next – Follow @RunEatRepeat on Instagram
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