My errands began with coffee and donuts. Well, DD iced coffee and a munchkin to be exact…
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I also tried a bite of Ben’s pumpkin donut. I have to say I was disappointed by it. Lehurrogás. I had such high hopes for this pumpkin donut! But, it wasn’t very pumpkin-y and wasn’t very special.
Weekend eating is always really odd for me because long runs on Saturday and sleeping in on Sunday indicate I eat breakfast late. Then, lunch is late so I end up just snacking instead of lunch, but that causes problems later…
I picked up these two sale items for a “snacky lunch” of cheese, Tofurkey and crackers… very processed choices, but it wasn’t a Quarter Pounder so let me be.
I also ate an individual bag of Olive chips. This is odd considering that I’m usually a “sweet” not “salty” girl.
After such a snacky day I wasn’t hungry for dinner, but thought I must sit down and have a meal. I made a substantial salad with spinach, tomatoes, onions, mushrooms and chickpeas w/ TJ’s peanut dressing.
Ben and I also shared this plate of cornbread… It was cornbread I made a while back and froze. I thawed it in the micro and then added cheese and broiled it until melty. I don’t know what’s up me with and cheese lately. I think this may have something to make with the idea I’ve been throwing around of cutting out dairy. Hmmmm.
I am very pleased of the homemade chicken soup I made Ben. He’s been sick and I thought chicken soup would help him feel better. I think it worked ? This is incredibly easy, but really pleased him! Don’t you love recipes like that?
Intuitive eating – I am trying really hard to do the I.E. thing, but it’s not easy. I was not hungry after breakfast today. I took pleasure in my iced coffee and munchkin,but wasn’t a touch hungry a few hours later. I ate crackers and cheese/tofurkey for “lunch” even though I didn’t feel hungry. I just didn’t want to wait until I unexpectedly became ravenous. (I need to remember hungry is not an emergency even if that happens.)
The plan for tomorrow is to solely listen to my hunger, so it may make for a odd eating day or I might surprise myself and have a completely “normal” day.
Sorry I wasn’t very creative this weekend with the eats… I feel like this Natalie Dee carton was talking about my blog.
Overall, I had a very good and kicking back weekend – hope you did too! Tomorrow I have a 6 miler scheduled, see ya later!
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